Showing posts with label Java Projects. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Java Projects. Show all posts

Saturday, 24 November 2012

Gps Mobile Alert Android Project using Java

A GPS tracking unit is a device that uses the Global Positioning System to determine the precise location of a vehicle, person, or other asset to which it is attached and to record the position of the asset at regular intervals. The recorded location data can be stored within the tracking unit, or it may be transmitted to a central location data base, or internet-connected computer, using a cellular (GPRS or SMS), radio, or satellite modem embedded in the unit. This allows the asset's location to be displayed against a map backdrop either in real time or when analysing the track later, using GPS tracking software.

Download Source Code...... DOWNLOAD HERE

Thursday, 25 October 2012

Image Enhancement Project in Java having Source Code with Project Report

The field of Digital Image Processing refers to processing digital images by means of digital computer. One of the main application areas in Digital Image Processing methods is to improve the pictorial information for human interpretation. 
Most of the digital images contain noise. This can be removed by many enhancement techniques. Filtering is one of the enhancement techniques which is used to remove unwanted information (noise) from the image. It is also used for image sharpening and smoothing.
 Some neighborhood operations work with   the values of the image pixels in the neighborhood and the corresponding values of a sub image that has the same dimensions as the neighborhood. The sub image is called a “filter”.  
 The aim of this project is to demonstrate the filtering techniques by performing different operations such as smoothening, sharpening, removing the noise etc. This project has been developed using Java language because of its universal acceptance and easy understandability.

Project Source Code and Project Report......... DOWNLOAD HERE

Monday, 8 October 2012

Travel Manegement system in Java with Source Code

The Travel Management System is developed in Java Programming Language. The project deals about the proper management of any journey. The system keeps track of all the information regarding the number of employees, number of passengers, fare of journey etc.

The project have two module :
  1. Admin: This module is made for administration of the project like adding the employees, updating the number of tickets and keeping track of all the request made by passengers and employees.
  2. Passenger: This module is for the passenger, here the passenger will make his travel plans, getting the information about the fare etc.

Telephone Billing System JSP Project with Source Code

Process of execution of JSP
The process of sending a bill to customers for goods or services is called billing. The bill may be attached to the goods or forwarded separately however in the telecom industry, the term billing is also used for systems and methods that collect information about telephone calls and other services that are going to be billed to the subscriber. The project is made up in the JSP (Java Server Pages) and Java.

Sunday, 7 October 2012

Net Banking Project in Java with Source Code

Online banking (or Internet banking or E-banking) allows customers of a financial institution to conduct financial transactions on a secure website operated by the institution, which can be a retail or virtual bank, credit union or building society.It may include of any transactions related to online usage

To access a financial institution's online banking facility, a customer having personal Internet access must register with the Bank for the service, and set up some password (under various names) for customer verification. The password for online banking is normally not the same as for telephone banking. Banks now routinely allocate customer numbers (also under various names), whether or not customers intend to access their online banking facility. Customer numbers are normally not the same as account numbers, because a number of accounts can be linked to the one customer number. The customer will link to the customer number any of those accounts which the customer controls, which may be cheque, savings, loan, credit card and other accounts.

Project Source Code....... DOWNLOAD HERE

Effective Transmission of Data through RBPH for Group Communication a JAVA Project

    The main objective of this system is to focus on fuzzy techniques for image filtering. Already several fuzzy filters for noise reduction have been developed. Those technique deals with fat-tailed noise like impulse noise and median filter. Most fuzzy techniques are not specifically designed for Gaussian (-like) noise or do not produce convincing results when applied to handle this type of noise.

The following are the objectives of the Database Migration,
· To provide better service to clients at various location.
· To reduce administrative costs.
· To decrease the paperwork and implement more streamlined information gathering and client services.
· To lower error rates.
· To increase productivity.

Project Report ...............  Download Here
Project Source Code..... Download Here

Saturday, 6 October 2012

Dynamic Load Balancing Project in Java with Source Code

A sender-initiated distributed DLB policy where each node autonomously executes LB at every external load arrival at that node. The DLB policy utilizes the optimal one-shot LB strategy each time an LB episode is conducted, and it does not require synchronization among nodes. Every time an external load arrives at a node, only the receiver node executes a locally optimal one-shot-LB action, which aims to minimize the average overall completion time.

This requires the generalization of the regeneration-theory-based queuing model for the centralized one-shot LB. Furthermore, every LB action utilizes current system information that is updated during runtime. Therefore, the DLB policy adapts to the dynamic environment of the distributed system.

 Project With Source Code ...... DOWNLOAD HERE
 Project Report .........................DOWNLOAD HERE

Tuesday, 2 October 2012

ATM Simulator Project in Java

ATM Simulator is program which provides the virtual simulation as similar as the real ATM (Automated Teller Machine). This project is developed in the JAVA Language. Here some database test screens are showed....

Accounts Table
Customer Table
The database of  the project is developed using the Microsoft Access.